Healing Cities
We begin from the idea that designing healing cities is based on acts of caring, when caring is
understood not as a commodity to be bought, sold or passively received, but as a dynamic relation between individuals, communities and surroundings.
Healing Cities are designed to provide all what is needed to allow citizens to bloom in all aspects in life. At extreme we expect them to reverse aging.
Bloom where you are planted
Every city landscape must have in mind the “person” that will be living and interacting with what was done. We all must ask ourselves if we are really changing something in his/her life. Are we allowing this person to grow and bloom once it’s in contact with the landscape proposed? does this landscape help the person evolve.
we must always consider that people live in communities. Are our landscape interactions allowing people to connect deeply and meaningfully?
Are we, with this city landscape alteration, opening the horizons of the community? Are we opening doors to a world that was not known? Is the world interested in knowing about it. Can this interaction be of mutual benefit?
When the city becomes a playground for all ages
To develop for cities landscapes that will impact communities it's a true labour of love.
Every aspect must be analysed, studied, reimagined, created for the community and finally implemented without disturbing the citizens day-to-day.
The LeadCities “social design laboratory department” is connecting people with technology to improve daily life in urban environments, by sparking the imagination, opening minds to help societies evolve in this amazing world of opportunities